About Me

Improving Your Child's Life How happy is your little one? If you notice that they seem bored of complacent, the problem might lie in the fact that they are incredibly bored. I realized that my own kids were struggling with boredom a few years back, so I started focusing on child education. I got a copy of the school curriculum their teachers were using, and then I worked with them day in and day out to teach them what they needed to know. I found that they really took a shining to the whole concept of education, and it was really neat to see how much better they reacted towards lessons.




Questions To Ask A Potential Preschool

When looking for a preschool for your child, it may feel a little overwhelming. There may be a great number of them in your area, but not all are the same. Some may be more of a "school", while others may be more of a daycare. Some may be only part of the day, while others may be all day, five days a week. Choosing which preschool is right for your child and for you is going to take careful consideration. Knowing which questions to ask will help you make your decision. Read on for a list of questions to ask a potential preschool.

What Are The Hours?

You may not be able to drop your child off early in the morning and have to turn around and pick them up a few hours later in the day. That may not work with your schedule, or it may work for you. Asking the hours and how many days per week is an important question so you can figure out your schedule and how to get your child to and from preschool on those days. If you work 5 days per week, a preschool that is full day may be best for you.

Is Food Provided?

If it is all day, or even only part of the day, you should know whether or not your child is being fed. Sometimes even a short day requires a snack to keep your child going and to keep them from being too exhausted without any nourishment. If your child has allergies or a restricted diet, do they have other food that can be provided if so, or can you bring in your own food? These are all questions that should be asked if food is provided.

Does Your Child Need To Be Potty Trained?

Some preschools may require that your child be potty trained or at least partially potty trained before enrolling in preschool. Be sure to ask this before enrolling your child, especially if your child is still in a diaper. Find out the policy on this beforehand.

What Qualifications Do The Teachers Have?

Find out of the teachers have any qualifications or educational background and how long they have been teaching young minds. Ask if the teachers have any training such as CPR or first aid training in the event of an emergency situation. 

Searching for a potential preschool for your child is important. It's the beginning of their education and should not be something you take lightly. Ask questions when you meet the preschool teacher and if you aren't comfortable with the school or the teacher, look elsewhere. You and your child should both feel comfortable with the school and with the curriculum. 

Reach out to a center like Small World Early Learning & Development Center for more help.
