About Me

Improving Your Child's Life How happy is your little one? If you notice that they seem bored of complacent, the problem might lie in the fact that they are incredibly bored. I realized that my own kids were struggling with boredom a few years back, so I started focusing on child education. I got a copy of the school curriculum their teachers were using, and then I worked with them day in and day out to teach them what they needed to know. I found that they really took a shining to the whole concept of education, and it was really neat to see how much better they reacted towards lessons.




What Sets Elementary Montessori Schools Apart From Traditional Schools

We rely on schools to educate our youth- the same youth who will run this country one day. While mostly adequate, traditional schools leave room for improvement. Some schools opt for a different approach, such as the Montessori education theory. What makes Montessori schools different than other schools?

1. Flexible Lesson Plans 

In Montessori schools, the student has a say in their own education regarding areas of study and pacing. While students must maintain a core curriculum that includes math, science, language arts, and history, there is more flexibility to study what truly interests the student. Students tend to work harder and learn more when they study something interesting to them. To maintain a proper educational surge, students can go at their own pace instead of keeping pace with an entire classroom. 

2. Emphasis on Active Learning

In most traditional schools, students learn passively. Passive methods of learning include memory and regurgitation. Children learn, but, in many cases, the lessons don't stick for much longer than through the test. Elementary Montessori schools emphasize active learning. Active learning refers to learning by doing, such as performing science experiments, putting on plays, and visiting local historic sites. Children absorb the lessons much better when they find themselves literally immersed in the lesson. 

3. Student Accountability

Students not only choose a majority of their classes and set the pace, but they must also take accountability for their success in these studies. Rather than placing accountability on the teachers, accountability falls onto the students. They must set goals for themselves and work to obtain these goals. Students will learn to make realistic goals while also challenging themselves. These lessons become monumental in the student's adult years. 

4. Confidence

Traditional schools can make some children insecure if they don't keep up with the rest of the class. Additionally, traditional schools can discourage brilliant minds from pursuing their true aspirations based on a rigid curriculum that doesn't nurture the individual. Montessori schools increase confidence due to the inspirational environment designed to let children succeed by following their unique interests.  As children learn and grow, they feel good about themselves. The confidence gives them the ability to try bold, new things both personally and professionally. 

Most Montessori schools come with significant tuition. However, when you look at the benefits, you see that it's all worth it. Your children may thrive in your local public school. However, they'll exceed their own expectations with a Montessori education.
